Monday, August 30, 2010


I'm back from the woods!

I do apologize for the late blog post, but internet is a precious commodity when you are backpacking through hostels in the Rockies. But all that doesn't matter now, as I sit here in my room. No, nothing really seems to matter all too much at this moment, and a wave of relaxation washes over me.

Life is slow, and the change is much appreciated.

Kyle is off to RA training camp. Shawn, Jesse and Rob D. are in Ontario somewhere. Allie just crawled out of bed. And I have no clue where Viviane is right now.

So now, all that's left to say is: Thank you.

Thank you for coming to the shows. Thank you for reading the blogs, watching the promo videos.

Thank you for supporting us.

This summer has been an amazing, eye-opening, experience like none other. And it couldn't have been possible without all of the people who came to our shows, gave us places to stay, or just showed signs of support in your messages.

This blog is officially closed! But, before you go, drop a comment at the bottom of this message and let us know just who you all are so we can give thanks to you in person.

Much love!

Home, tired, but already itching for adventure,

Robert Tracey

"They have worries, they're counting the miles, they're thinking about where to sleep tonight, how much money for gas, the weather, how they'll get there--and all the time they'll get there anyway, you see." -Jack Kerouac 'On the Road'

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Last Stretch

Well my blogging buddies, it all comes down to this. The last three days of the festival. This Sunday at 1pm, 'Little Dickie' will come to an end, and Da B'ys, our ragtag group, will scatter to the wind.

What an experience it has been. In the long stretch of this adventure we seven began as friends and acquaintances, but after being crammed into a van and whisked away to all the corners of Canada, we have become so much closer. In the words of one famed wordsmith, Barney the Dinosaur,"We're a great big family" (Dysfunctional, albeit).

But to avoid gripping this blog into a conclusion just yet, we will stop short this entry and end with: the houses have been great, and we're having loads of fun still.

Check out the blog on Sunday, when we wrap it all up and have ourselves a little party.

My love, to the equivalent of fresh cupcakes,

Rob T.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Edmonton. Who would have thought that such a gem of a city could be found way up in Northern Alberta? Well, Robert Dawson did, and still does. Edmonton is a beautiful city with a fabulous fringe that seems to appreciate us as much as we appreciate them. The proof is in our biggest and best news to report: We are the proud recipients of a FOUR STAR review from the reputable newspaper, The Edmonton Journal. We’re pretty happy about that.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Cookware Isle at IKEA

It's been a little stretch through the Rockies sans internet. But we're back at it once again.

I bet you'll never guess where we are now...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wedding Parties and Scaling Mountains (Not in that particular order)

It's official, we have now successfully scaled our first mountain. This particular climb was called Ha Ling Peak, one of the shorter hikes in Canmore (a.k.a. Disneyland for the outdoors enthusiast).

Other than having experienced the thrill of completing the trail, as well as taking in the breathtaking view, the most important thing that da b'ys and I have taken away from this is the assurance that, no matter how decrepit or overweight we become, we can always say "Yeah, well I climbed a mountain. So shut up."

Canmore is a jewel. Life up here, nestled in the Rockies, is so... perfect! Every time you step out the door, you get hit in the face with these towering behemoths, and you can't help but stare in awe at their raw beauty.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Goodbye Winnipeg / Hello Wilderness

The Winnipeg Fringe came to a close yesterday.

Here, I insert my sad emoticon face ->  :(

But do not fret! That 'open-parentheses' is set to become a 'close-parentheses' very soon. And that's because da b'ys are gettin' back to their roots this Wednesday.

'What roots?' you may ask. Well, we ain't talkin' about any homespun mumbo-jumbo here. We're talkin' waaay back in those roots. Back to the days when wheels were the 'new thing' and when it was still acceptable to beat people with sticks. Back when all of us b'ys were just select sequences of chromosomes waiting to be aligned correctly.

Yep. We're reverting back into our primitive selves and heading out into the wild.  Check out more...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Days 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13: Over the Hump

Over the past week so many wonderful things have happened that it would literally require a novel to necessitate it all.

Hmm... That's not a bad idea (actually, it is. But... well... y'know).  Here's Little Dickie Milburn: The Novel.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Days 5, 6, 7 & 8: Journey to The Centre of the Country

What an adventure we've had already. B'ys oh b'ys, I tells ya, things are some good.

At 6 AM sharp on the 11th, we jumped in Da Boat and set sails for Winnipeg. It seemed like we drove forever through Northern Ontario but the hilliness and multitude of trees was welcomed. Accompanied by a soundtrack consisting of a lot of Canadian Indie Rock with an unusual amount of banjo and some Beethoven for good measure, we motored through the Canadian Wilderness vowing that if we ran into a moose, we would hunt it and make a delicious meal.

Around the time we got to Sault St. Marie,  Da Boat began to rock and weird noises emerged from its chassis. We stopped for the night at a Motel and discovered the next morning that the sounds were nothing more than a loose lug nut. With our newly-tightened lug nut and no fear of the tire departing from our trusty vehicle, we embarked once again through the Canadian wilderness.

One of the nicest little places we encountered was Wa Wa. Upon entering the town, we were astonished to discover it was being held hostage by several giant geese:

We scoured the town for postcards and met some nice people, stuffed mooses, and bears. We restocked on beef jerky and I bought some Pop Rocks and times were good.

Due to our late departure from Sault St. Marie, we drove until 3:00, then settled down for a 3 hour nap in Da Boat. At 6:00, I determined (since we had come to the realization that Manitoba does actually exist) that I would celebrate our arrival and discovery with some Pop Rocks. The popping in my mouth was so loud it awoke Robby T. who immediately began laughing.

An hour or so later, we had arrived in Winnipeg. Since we've been here, we have encountered many friendly people and it can be said that the "Friendly Manitoba" slogan on their license plate is far from false advertising.

Last night, we had a time at the King's Head Pub, the hang-out place for all of Winnipeg's Fringers. Mayhem ensued and we had a blast meeting with the lovely folks at the pub. When we were leaving the bar, a torrential downpour had pulled a sneak-attack on us and because no one wanted to go get the van in the rain all alone during  the craziest lightningy thundery storm ever, we all ran together, soaked to the bone and laughing wildly at the fun of it all.

The storm quickly took on a whole new attitude as we realized the van window had been busted and Shawn and Robert's laptops had run off to brave the storm. But alas, Rob has already purchased a new laptop and the city is still wonderful. Nestled into the abode of Shawn's Uncle, we are now ready to enjoy every bit of the festival and check out some incredible plays.

As promised, here's a picture of Shawn packing the Thule:

We made a new promo video. Check it out Here.

Opening night is tomorrow at 5:00!


Kyle and Da B'ys

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 3 & 4: To the End of the World!

Seems we missed a blog last night.

But you can’t blame us for that one; it was the 2-4 birthday of the Golden Lion Pub here in Lenny-land. And, well... to be truly honest with yous all... we got a little saucy just then too. But with good reason! (story on that later in the post).

SO right now we are in the midst of a little sausage fest. Allie, the SM, is off in Montreal with her ‘sexy-pants man’ Ben, havin’ a time at the warped tour. Viv, the other half of our double-x chromosome representation, is meeting us up in Winnipeg. That means that, much to her chagrin, she’ll be missing all the pancake action on the first leg of the adventure.

I know, you’re thinkin’. “Pancakes? What in the name of the innocent baby Jesus does he mean by pancakes?” Well, seems the beginning of the journey has taken an unintentional turn for the syrupy. Upon the recommendation of George and Jo Jo Rideout, we will be ‘Dick’-in’ off to Pancake Bay to camp out on our first night. Followed by a recommended pancake lunch at Hoito in Thunder Bay. Cheesy? Yes. Definitely. But delicious too! More here

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day Two: Da Boat Moored in Harbour

The sun in the sky was hot,
we in the theatre were not.
We escaped its hot wrath,
but still need cold baths,
and our play is really great.

Profusely, I apologize for the poetic crime I've just committed, but while the heat may have taken its toll on MY creative-writing technique, I'm not the writer of this show, so you needn't worry, one little bit. (This is Lil' Dickie himself!)

'Da Boat' (our affectionately-named Van) was sparkle-shine cleaned today, and lights are currently being hung for our preview show in Turner Studio Theatre at Bishop's on Saturday at 2 PM.

In other news, The New Glasgow News printed an article about our Western exploits and about their hometown heroes Kyle and Allie! (Who am I kidding, they're heroes here too!)
Check 'er out!

Tomorrow we'll be doing an outdoor performance ~somewhere~ in Lennoxville, and be sure to keep your eyes peeled for another video to come at ya soon.

See ya tomorrow,

From us B'ys to you B'ys,

Rob D

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day One: The Sun Attacks!

(Cue up cheesy '70s music...) Da B'ys are back in town!

Our much-anticipated arrival to the land of Lennox-vegas (Lennoxville, QC) has left our crew sleepless with excitement for long enough. Yep B'ys and Maids, all actors are here, unscathed, accounted for, and nestled away in their beds.

But don't think we're takin' it easy! Oh no, not the one bit. We've been bustin' through this heat wave locked up in the theatre, workin' on songs, sketches, outdoor performances, and - of course - our potent little Fringe show.

Here's a taste of our work: A short improv'ed promo.

Expect a lot more of these to come. Now, after the jump, a sinister picture of The Doctor himself.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Few Steps East to Go Many Steps West

Hello hip young blogging world!

Plans are in motion, the gears are turning, and, as we prepare ourselves for the beginning of our journey, Da B'ys have scattered themselves about the country for some much needed meditation and family-time. As the others bask in the warmth of their momma's bosom, I find myself travelling east to get ready to go west. Hence my trip to Hali-town.

Oh, and bloggerists, what an adventure it has been. But, before I jump into details, exciting news!

Yes yes, that they are, and they are grand. 

Come catch us at:
The Playhouse Studio
180 Market Ave.
Entrance on Main St.

And the dates are: 
Thu, July15 @ 5:00 PM
Fri, July 16 @ 4:00 PM
Sun, July 18 @ 3:00 PM
Mon, July 19 @ 12:15 PM
Wed, July 21 @ 9:15 PM
Fri, July 23 @ 7:30 PM
Sat, July 24 @ 11:00 PM
Sun, July 25 @ 7:45 PM

You can order your tickets now here.

Now, stand by for some Halifax stories and details of what Da B'ys have been up to, as well as where you can run into us this summer. All that next time!

Loves ya,


Friday, April 23, 2010

Meet Da B'ys (Cast & Crew Bios)

Hello Internets,

Hope you are all having a wonderful day/night with your inter-web perusals and whatnot. I thought I'd drop an entry here right quick and get you all up to speed on the cast & crew. So without further ado (heh "cast & crew, further ado". Nice flow... sorry) here are the bios!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Little Dickie's First Blog Post

B'ys at, (Hey there)

So, if you haven't heard by now, We're going on tour! Yep, we're putting our backs to the east and hitting the road westward bound. We'll be coming to two of the most deadliest (awesome) Fringe Festivals in Canada starting in Winnipeg in mid-July and then gettin' on tear (going to) Edmonton for August. Da b'ys and I (Me and the boys) will be sending out daily updates along the way. So bookmark this page, by da lard Jesus (for Jesus' sake)!

- Unkie Shawn

P.S. You may have noticed I have parenthesized some common colloquialisms for those of you less inclined with our language barrier. Have at 'er.